Barracuda are a well known both on the flats and offshore for being “toothy’ creatures
Key West Barracuda Fishing
The barracuda will strike very aggressively and make mad runs sometimes jumping completely out of the water. The cudas can be found on the flats year round and particularly like sand patches on the flats where they can stalk their quarry.
Barracuda: Sphyraena barracuda.
Key West has plenty of barracuda. These toothy critters range from just a few pounds to more than 20lbs. They are found offshore on reefs and wrecks and inshore on the flats. Barracuda fishing is exciting on the flats. Sight casting to a cuda and reeling a tube lure very rapidly will get a barracuda’s attention real fast. Cudas will charge a tube lure or fly that looks like a needlefish. The hook up is vicious and a barracuda will jump and fight hard. Barracuda are more active on the flats during the winter months but can be found here all year long.

Look at the Key West fishing calendar to find the best time of year to fish for barracuda. We sight cast to these fish with a tube lure or fly. Barracuda are a good target for beginner fly anglers because they are abundant and do not spook as easily.
Join us for our annual CUDA BOWL fishing tournament out of Key West, FL. Fun times with great sponsors and prizes!