Jacks are fun and hard fighting fish.
Key West Fishing for Jack Crevalle
Jack Crevalle
When Jacks are schooled up, they can be easier to catch on fly. A plug or jig works well too. They range from a few pounds up to 15 pounds and can be found in deeper channels between flats or following a sting ray.
Jack Crevalle: Caranx hippos
Crevalle Jack are found inshore around Key West and the Lower Keys as well as in the open ocean. They are silver with a yellowish belly. They are curious and will investigate any movement of a jig or plug lure. Crevalle Jacks like to ride with large sharks or sting rays on the flats, picking up any food that may have been churned up in the wake. They fight hard on both light tackle and on fly. Although most jacks we catch on the flats are in the 5lb. range, there are larger ones mixed in up to 20lbs.

In addition to the Jacks, there are certainly many hard-fighting species on the flats during the winter months.
Ladyfish, sometimes called the poor man’s tarpon, are a lot of fun to fish for in mullet muds and offer a beginner fly angler the chance to practice their casting plus fight a fish on a fly rod. Sea trout and even redfish can sometimes be in the mix to make for a fun day of fishing in the deeper basins of the backcountry.